7 natural ways to lighten your vagina

7 natural ways to lighten your vagina

Are you worried about the dark color of your vagina? A vagina is the most important and a sensitive part of a woman’s body, and vagina look to be darker compared to the other complexion of the body. It is a common problem for every woman because have many products which is available in the market. With the use of these products, makes the darker vagina.

The most common sources of dark vaginal area are hair removing creams, skin infections, tight clothes, deficiency of vitamins, heredity, and aging and fat. So, now we will discuss the home remedies, which is easily available in our homes.

1. Curd:

It is a very effective and natural method for doing skin whitens. It works to whiten the dark private area on your body. You have used to on your private skin as a mask.Ingredients: 1 cup of curd.

Steps for use:

You take some quantity of the curd and you can use this on your private part. If you want, you can add in this some quantity of the water. You can spread and massage the curd all over your dark and private part very smoothly. Then leave it, for dried 15-20 minutes. After dried, you wash it with tepid water.

2. Aloe Vera+ Turmeric:

Aloe Vera is an effective and safe remedy for lightening and whitening to your skin and your vagina. In Aloe Vera include the antioxidants and aloesin that regulate melanin production, which is the change in lightening the skin tone.Ingredients: Pinch of turmeric, 1 tablespoon of Aloe Vera Gel

Steps for use:

In a bowl, you can mix the 1 tsp. of aloe Vera gel and in this mix a pinch of turmeric. You can apply this paste on your skin affected parts. You let it dried for 15-25 minutes. After dry, you rinse and wipe it. You repeat this process 2-3 times in a day.

3. Orange Peel:

We all know that vitamin C is getting in oranges. It makes great immunity boosters. For this method, you take an orange. Orange peel also includes a wealth of vital nutrients and other wellness-promoting compounds. Ingredients: Orange peel powder and Milk

Steps for use:

You take 1 tablespoon of orange peel powder in a bowl and in this add some milk. With both ingredients, you make the paste. After making the paste, you can apply on the vagina and near it. You leave it to dry for 20 minutes. After this time, you wipe it with the normal water.

4. Almond and Milk:

It is a very powerful remedy for our skin. In a little time, almond and milk are very wonderful and effective for dark private skin works. It is easily given in our home. And this makes very easy.Ingredients: Milk and Almond powder

Steps for use:

You take a bowl. In this bowl, you add the two tablespoons of cold milk and two tsp. of almond powder. You make a white-colored thick paste. You can apply this paste on your dark private skin. You wait for 15 minutes and then wash it.

5. Tomatoes:

It is one of the easiest remedies for dark private skin at home. It is a very effective method for our skin.Ingredient: One Tomato

Steps for use:

You get a fresh tomato from the kitchen and cut into small pieces. These pieces, you rub on your dark private area for 20-30 minutes till the tomato dries off. After dried, you wash with cold water.

6. Lemon Juice:


t is one of the safest remedies to lighten skin on your vagina. This remedy works wonders for whitening. Citric acid and vitamin C in lemon can do two things – remove discoloration and kill the bacteria. Ingredients: Two tablespoons of lemon juice, 10 drops of rose water

Steps for use:

In this method, you take a cotton pad for this doing. You apply this pack very gently near about the private area. You leave it to sit for 4-5 minutes. After dried, you can wash with cold water.

7. Coconut Oil:

It is a messy remedy for lightening the skin on your vagina. Coconut oil is known for its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. These will remove pigmentation and kill the infected bacteria.Ingredients: Coconut oil.

Steps for use:

You can be doing trim the part of unwanted hair and cleanse it. Then you can apply to the affected area. You avoid wearing the under-garments. You leave it the oil naturally gets absorbed by the skin. You repeat the procedure every day for the best results.

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